
Stuck in 'Nam

Earlier today I heard on the radio a quote from John Kerry. It's all over the news now...

"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq."

So what's he trying to say? I've thought about it, and maybe it means that only idiot Presidents get their military stuck in Iraq. Or perhaps he meant only idiots live in a country like Iraq...but I think that the most likely explanation is that he is saying only idiots join our armed forces.

So...if that's the case Kerry, does that make you, a 'heroic' Vietnam veteran, an idiot? I could think of a plethora of reasons why you are, that being the least of which...

I'd like to know how he can call the people in our military idiots. After all, the ASVAB places people in all sorts of fields. For example, military R&D. Well, a lot of those guys are still in the states. Ok, you must be an idiot if you can fly a plane, right? After all...Bush was a pilot! Alright alright, let me think.

Oh here's one, you and 11 soldiers under your command are jogging down Amaria street in Baghdad. You don't walk on patrol anymore because of snipers (oh wait, you're an idiot, nevermind, you walk), when all of the sudden hell erupts via a roadside bomb in a trash can. From your flank 3 or 4 Jaish al-Mahdi members start brandishing their kalishnakovs and firing at you...crap...you're an idiot...what are you going to do?

Come on Kerry, get it together, if you want to have any chance in winning any election, you have to not just blabber on, you have to be intelligent yourself. Even of the people who don't support the war, a majority support the brave men and women who fight it. You can't take every chance to make the same whiney statements that lost you the Presidency.

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