
Side Effects May Include...

Dizziness, Drowsiness, Fatigue, Kidney Failure, nausea, Diarrhea, Constipation, Acid Reflux, Sexual Side Effects, loss of taste, inability to make decisions....you should not use if you are or may become pregnant, have liver or kidney disease, lung disease, mild absentia of the senses, depression, suicidal thoughts....people who are using this should not drive, make love, drink, operate heavy machinery, or light machinery for that matter. However all and all, your headache will be gone.

I'm sure that's a little exaggerated, but one thing is not. Commercials for pharmaceuticals these days spend half the commercial talking about how it will fix one problem, and the other half talking about the problems they may cause. I spend a lot of this page talking about Governmental affairs, or things abroad, but this is a huge issue as well, and I suppose it includes the FDA which is a governmental agency.

Why is it that the FDA will never approve natural remedies that are fairly safe for you, that help do things man made drugs do, but without nearly as many side effects? Why is it that pharmacy companies have to look for drugs that can possibly have worse side effects than what they are supposed to treat? Why is it that a prescription can take 150 dollars, but then the generic version that uses the exact same formula is 50 bucks? Why is it that pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars courting Doctors, and then doctors push the drugs because Merck or Vioxx gave them a trip to Bermuda?

I don't know the answers, but the questions scare me. I suppose my dislike for the big pharmacy companies is another reason I'll never be voted in to office.

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